Protect your business from avoidable losses this lambing season
It’s that time of year again when lambing season is in full swing for farmers across the country. Whilst it is a joyful time for many, it can also be incredibly stressful for both farmers, animals and those who come to visit the countryside as FUW Insurance Services (FUWIS) warned ahead of the Easter Holiday.
“The sight of a dog chasing around the fields and worrying livestock will send a chill down the spine of any farmer. We know that a countryside walk in springtime and over the easter Bank Holiday is one of life’s small pleasures and realise that for many dogs and their owners to get off the pavements and into the countryside is a real treat,” said FUW Insurance Services Sales Support Executive Sarah Lloyd.
However, one of the most frustrating things for a farmer, Sarah stressed, is to find a dog off the lead in their fields only to be told by the owner that the dog is under control.
“Worse still is to see a dog approach livestock only to be told by the owner that it’s ‘just playing with them’. This is simply not acceptable. The stress however doesn’t stop there if concerns around financial losses are added,” said Sarah.
FUW Insurance Services are therefore keen to remind customers that a minor addition to existing sheep cover could give them protection from the financial burden of losses incurred due to a livestock attack.
“Whilst an insurance policy for such incidents doesn’t take away the heartache of the incident or the stress of dealing with the situation, knowing that it could potentially save you some financial worries can be a relief.
“All farm businesses are different so a client would need to check their current insurance policy but to add the extra cover should be considered, especially for that piece of mind,” she said.
The Farmers’ Union of Wales (FUW) have also long stressed that when it comes to livestock worrying, a change is needed urgently. The UK Kept Animals Bill has been widely discussed by the Union and makes provisions about the welfare of certain kept animals, including livestock, and will replace the Dogs (Protection of Livestock) Act 1953.
“We have been clear that whilst the new Bill is currently progressing through the House of Commons urgent action is needed to tackle the problem.
“Many of the provisions in the Bill are to be welcomed, especially those provisions which will provide greater investigative and enforcement powers to police forces. However, some concerns remain,” said FUW Deputy President Ian Rickman.
For dog owners the FUW and FUWIS have a simple message – please keep your dog on a lead and under close control.
“Not many of us would be able to distract a dog that has become excitable around livestock in a field and the consequences of such behaviour for both the livestock and the dog in question could be devastating,” added Mr Rickman.