
Have you got your safety net in place?

Life happens while you’re busy making plans and often we are so busy that we don’t take much notice of near misses, or think about what would happen if the worst were to happen to us. These are the situations...

AGRi Insurance

New addition to FUWIS Panel of insurers

FUW Insurance Services are pleased to announce a new addition to our farm combined panel of insurers with AGRi-Insurance. AGRI-i Insurance under the leadership of Glyn Rowett, Anthony Murray and Robert Dale formed in order to meet the requirements of the...


A Tale of Two Businesses

Dean and Diane both want to make a go of running a small business in their local town.  Dean wants to open a local antique store, while Diane has her sights set on opening a small boutique on the bustling...

Tradesmen – Defend yourselves against scammers

Cyber-crime is one of the biggest problems facing businesses in the present day, with hackers attempting both rudimentary and more sophisticated methods to infiltrate your systems and data. Tradesmen have to remain particularly vigilant, especially when self-employed, as one wrong...